Monday, June 25, 2012

EXO-M's Aesthetic Appeal (History MV)

After thinking long and hard (translation: 2 seconds), I've decided that I would review EXO-M first. I do prefer M over K, but I do think that K has better looking members. And also, K's one secret weapon, which I will also keep a secret, at least for a while.

Xiu Min
Sohee...I mean Xiu Min's nickname is Bao Zi (dumpling or bun or something of the sort), and for good reason. Next to Luhan and Tao, he's the cutie. But somehow, it was a bit toned down in the History MV, and replaced with coolness (and sexiness maybe?). It wasn't like in Mama where a certain shock left me running for dear life. And I do like blue, which is used in some scenes in History.
Final rating: 6/10
Luhan looks adorable (thank goodness he has no aegyo!), but give him the right hair, clothes and makeup...he still looks adorable. I do like Luhan, he does look good; it's not spectacular, but it's not over the top either. He's also kind of pretty, which I have no real problem with. Luhan just may be my aesthetic favorite. Forgive me if I state otherwise as I go along.
Final rating: 7.5/10

Kris is, as one fanfic writer so conveniently dubbed, a sex god. I have to agree with her. He's handsome, sexy, bitch-faced, masculine, hot and a leader. Add them all together and you lose your pants.
I'm sorry, I'll stop now.
I like irrevocably masculine men (EXO-Kris, TVXQ-Yunho, Bigbang-T.O.P). No, they're not perfect, but they set off hormonal reactions...ahem.
I'm going to stop.
Final rating: 7/10

Lay doesn't really look like he would be a diva, but the fact that he is is sort of a turn on; I have a thing for divas. I don't find him very handsome, but rather cool, especially in History. And when he dances, he just looks even cooler. Most of the time, coolness alone is enough to keep my words positive.
Final rating: 6/10

Chen (Bias)
I saw a pre-debut picture of Chen with black glasses, and he looked much better with them on. Surprisingly, however, he looked good with a cap too. And I'm not saying that just because he happens to be my bias. I admit that he isn't that great-looking, and that I don't choose biases based on aesthetic appeal alone. Anyway, even with glasses or a cap, he can look nice, but that's about it. Suits are a different story, but since I have a general weakness for suits, I'll stay silent.
Final rating: 5/10

Awesomeness takes its purest form in Tao. At first he may seem intimidating, but the more you look at him, the more awesomly cool he becomes...just ignore the aegyo. It's kind of sad how his aegyo kind of ruins his badassness, but whatever, he knows Wushu.
Tao looks really good in History, and I mean good. He looks as cool and sexy as ever, if not more. You could almost forget his aegyo...almost.

Final rating: 7/10

EXO-M's overall score: 6.4/10

Oh and remember when I said I had a weakness for suits? Well...

Here lies the remains of a blogger...who will continue to post from the other side.

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